Thursday 1 July 2021

Skywatch Zoom


 Always on the look for skywatch photos I spotted some hot air balloons floating in the distance so I thought lest try out my 400 mm zoom and see what they turn out like. 

I took the photos using a Tamron 100-400 mm zoom, not my first choice but affordable when I bought it a few years ago, it used on my Canon R6. What I only just noticed is that there is a para-glider under the balloon on the right, I did not notice it when I spotted the balloons

The balloons were too far away to get a good clear view of them

I thought the clouds look like they could be worth photographing, did not see the pidgin till I downloaded the pictures.

Fluffy ones

Moody ones

Threatening ones 

Ones with Red Kites flying past

Living where we do you can guarantee seeing these flying overhead everyday

Happy Skywatch


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Amazing photos, I love looking at sky images.

Anonymous said...

Love seeing the beautiful skies there. It's been foggy here for days, so it's wonderful to see your skies.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Very pretty shots. I've taken photos and only noticed something later while viewing on a computer screen many times. Always a fun surprise!

William Kendall said...

Glorious skies.

Light and Voices said...

Greetings and Salutations! Lovely sky photographs.

Jim said...

Good sky shots.

Sharon said...

The ever changing sky is always holding something interesting.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They lift your spirits

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Could do with some of that here, getting hpt

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Seems to happen to me a lot

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Glad you enjoyed them

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Always interesting always different

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They wer

Susie of Arabia said...

Beautiful photos. I love getting my pics up on my laptop and being surprised to find other things in my photos that I didn't notice when I took them. It's like opening a gift!

Aimz said...

I think people who do that are brave, I'm terrified of heights.

Klara said...

oh, yes, I wouldn't have spotted para-glider, had you not mentioned it. those skies wouldn't inspire me to fly balloon or para-glider.