Monday 20 January 2014

The Oracle

Today I am showing you the River Kennet as it passes through the Oracle shopping center in Reading. Here we look towards the London Street road bridge (the arch you see through the near bridge). The building you see on the left is the Blade.

 Looking the other direction towards the footbridge at the center. During the recent floods all the area you see on either side of the river was under water
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday

Sunday 19 January 2014

Sunday Photo

This weeks Sunday Photo is 13th-century Preaching Cross on the village green in Woodeaton, in the background is the Holy Rood church which is featured this week in my other blog My Grave Place.

Have a great Sunday

Thursday 16 January 2014

After the rain

Skywatch Friday my Favorite meme. This week we see the sun shining on the flooded River Thames at Wallingford

Thursday morning I was at a construction site and saw this Rainbow

 In the afternoon I saw another rainbow which was a complete double one unfortunately this was all I could get while stopped in traffic.

Monday 13 January 2014

The Floods

Well you have all heard about or seen the floods over here in the UK and seen some of the Thames which I have shown from Wallingford Bridge. Today I'll show some of the floods themselves.

 Thursday was the highest level and if you look you can see a line on the right marking the 1894 level. I might add the flood level so far was just shy of the 2003 one.

St Peter's Church with the river creeping up near the wall
Any one want to park here.
This is the Thames Path 

 This dude was paddling around in the riverside meadow
Along with a couple of swans. Have a great day
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday

Another two from the Underpass

Not quite the last of them yet I still have two more to show next week. I hope I am not boring you with these murals.

 Thought this swan was rather amazing
Taking part in Monday Mural

Saturday 11 January 2014

Sunday Photo

This week I'm posting a couple of panoramic photos of the Flooded Thames at Wallingford.

 Looking upstream from the bridge

 Downstream from the bridge
Have a Good Sunday
Taking part in Sunlit Sunday

Friday 10 January 2014

Catherines Cafe

I only noticed this place on the corner of St Marys Street Wallingford in recent weeks and it looks newly opened. The place used to be a pizza cafe now it seems to sell tea & cakes. Hope it does well.

Have a great weekend

Sunday Dawn

Woke up on Sunday morning to a most stunning sky, I only wish I had got up earlier and go to a nearby hill to get some better photo's.

 When I let the dogs out I saw this sky
So I took one from the bedroom window. I was not the only one to see it as you can see on mancunianwave.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Bubbling up

On Tuesdays I posted some photo showing the steps at Wallingford Bridge with the Thames Flooding, well just prior to going there I went to a supermarket in town where I saw this drain bubbling up. I took a photo & posted on Twitter where it was seen by Simon Parkin of ITV weather.  Tuesday evening I went back to get another photo of the river and took this photo of the drain which was 24 hours after the first.

The photo I took the previous night before was shown on the TV weather Tuesday after I went out & I missed it at least my wife saw the photo.

Monday 6 January 2014

Forty Eight Hours

Over the last few weeks the weather in the UK has been atrocious with high winds & rain being the norm here. The rain caused  flooding  which affected a lot of homes. On Friday we had rain so Saturday I visited Wallingford to see the Level of the Thames. This has always been a reference point for me and in the distance you can see the grass on the opposite bank.
The two red marks in the right hand corner by the big step are flood level markers
 Overnight we had torrential rain which caused more flooding so I popped down again for another photo. The big step is still visible but the grass on the other side along with the carpark has gone

Sunday night yet more rain so I went down a while ago and got the last photo. The time period is a bit over 48 hours but you can see the affect. The large step in the previous photos has now gone and is at the bottom of the photo, I failed to use the same place with the tripod to get it and the flood makers in. The water is presently 4 inches or 100mm below the 2007 level. At the moment I feel the Thames is still rising and with more rain it will reach the levels
Since taking this photo the river has risen to over the 2007 level 
If you want to read more about the weather from my point over the years the check my other blog on the British Weather.
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday

Sunday 5 January 2014

Two more from the Underpass

A couple more sections from the Underpass in Reading. The first looks  like it could be from the Victorian era, just a shame some tagger defaced it.
 The second looks like it was wartime
There will be a couple more next week. Linking with Monday Mural

Sunday Photo

Wallingford Bridge, the photo was taken on Christmas Day 2012 This photo was also used in  another blog I wrote on Weather

Linking with Sunlit Sunday
Have a peaceful Sunday

Friday 3 January 2014

Looking Upstream

Thought you might like to see another view of the Thames near Goring weir which can be seen over to the right. Further on round the bend is another weir at Cleeve.

Have a great weekend

Thursday 2 January 2014

New Years Day

After the wonderful sunny day we had on Christmas Day it was a complete reverse on New Years Day with wind and rain.

 Station road and this area gets flooded in heavy rain, the puddle is starting to form
 Looking up at the dark skys overhead
 Ominous dark clouds 
 Which blow past quickly
 Mind you it does not stop some hardy lad scooting through in the rain.

Wednesday 1 January 2014

A Year Apart

These photos were taken almost a year apart. the photo below was taken on New Years Eve and shows the flood level of the Thames to be quite high.
Below the photo was taken On Christmas Day 2012 just a little over a year previous

Mind you ten years previous to that it was even higher.
Have a great day