Monday 28 November 2022

The Oxford Canal


I  Visited a church in Shipton on Cherwell towards the end of October, as the first church was locked I decided to walk over to the second church a mile across a field. The path took you over a bridge that crossed the Oxford Canal. I decided a few photos were in order

The Oxford Canal complete with canal boats from the Bridge

On the two path you can see more canal boats moored up along the banks

The reason I came down here was to get a photo of the church which you can see in the Church Explorer on Saturday

 From near the bridge zooming in you get a good idea as to the boats moored her, the people on the left live in one of the boats and you can see smoke in the distance coming off another. There is quite a community living along here

The bridge where I took the first photo, I'm also sure there used to be a lock here as you can see parts of it still remaining

I will leave you with this view I took across the field towards the church and canal

Take Care

Saturday 26 November 2022

Caebach Chaple


This week the Church Explorer visits  Caebach Chaple a chance visit which I only found out about less than an hour beforehand This beautiful little chapel was built back in 1717 near Llandrindod Wells. 

Thursday 24 November 2022

 Colourful Sunset

Another sunset from October which I noticed when I went out in the evening

I did see it from the kitchen window so went out on the patio and took this

This is looking back east were the clouds reflect the sunset

The colours were beautiful

It almost looked like the sun was going down here

Truth is it was setting over that way

Happy Skywatch

Tuesday 22 November 2022

Fungus Time


Took these photos back on the 1st November  when were were at our caravan. I spotted some fungi growing near a tree and was overjoyed to find these Fly Agaric growing

I love finding these

Looking along from the first ones I came across I spotted more growing

I could not say if they were edible

Not even sure about these

These I knew you could not eat, not even sure if the water on top would be safe to drink

Table for one
Take Care everyone

Saturday 19 November 2022

St Cynllo's Natmel



 This week the Church Explorer Visits St Cynllo Natmel a church with was on my radar to visit some time. Sat on a hillside with a well cut churchyard but unfortunately for me locked

Thursday 17 November 2022

Mid October Sky


Some sky's from the River Thames not far from me and the sunset tat day

The start of the marsh, it has changed a lot in the last 60 years I can tell you

Hard to believe that when I was a kid I used to see cattle grazing in here

Along the Thames path, it used to be further right near the river

The river Thames

The fishing rights have changed, it used to be a local club had them, I liked how the sky came through the willow tree

Another looking along the Tames towards the old ferry crossing we are talking in the 1800s here though I suspect it was used into thhe20th century

Later in the evening I looked out and saw the sunset reflected on the clouds

The clouds looked like pink fingers

Just like a splayed hand

then I heard a honking and looking around saw Canada geese

Who few off into the sunset
Happy Skywatch

Monday 14 November 2022

Saturday 12 November 2022

St Lawrence Reading


 This week The Church Explorer visits St Lawrence Reading, a church that dates back to when there was an abbey in the town nearby and survived a WWII bombing raid that happened in front of it. The church has long been one I have been wanting to see inside

We Will Remember

Thursday 10 November 2022

Saturday Sunset


Taken one Saturday evening in October

Looked out the window and noticed a beautiful coloured sky looking east

The clouds were pink

Towards the south more pink clouds

The sunset

A little to the north

Back east

Ground level looking northerly

 The sunset again
Happy Skywatch


Monday 7 November 2022

Halloween Photos


Last week I cried off as I went off for a few days but left a post Monday of a Halloween Collage, well it was that time. If you saw the post then this week I'm showing where they were taken and some more of what was there.

I noticed something happening a few days before so went along a couple of days before Halloween and saw this in the front garden

Headstones and bone everywhere

Hands poking through a grate in the ground OK old pallet. The hanging skeleton was new because last time I looked it was the post and noose

Two days later and the garden looked like this

An authentic Betelgeuse headstone

Red Ghosts flying around

It was a scene from nightmares

Loved the sack ghost

and more Betelgeuse figures

Really I cannot recall what this is

The house entrance was scary

as was the entrance to the whole place, the kids were going to love it and no doubt a few adults as well

Take Care