Saturday 29 June 2024

St Peter & St Paul Broadwell


St Peter & St Paul Broadwell is a  beautiful church with splendid tower with spire and wonderful interior, The churchyard is large and overgrown with some really old headstones

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Three I Missed


The last post I showed Pip' seat I forgot to show this photos I took was we go back to the bottom of the hill 

Pip's seat is somewhere on the hilltop you see in the back ground. We noticed the field on our way up but I stopped for a few photos on our way back. A filed of Buttercups 

A couple of years ago this was covered in saplings grown as an experiment by a university, the field was reinstated after the trees were removed

In the background the hill we climbed 

On our way around the lake at the bottom we spotted a cote with her young
Happy Skywatch

Take Care

Saturday 22 June 2024

St Stephen Clanfield


This week the Church Explorer visits St Stephen Clanfield a church which dates back to around 1250 and with many original parts of the church you can still see. 

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Pips Bench


Sorry I missed posting this week as I was away and did not get a chance to do anything before going but I always find something for Skywatch

My wife and I took a walk up Aberedw hill and as normal I stopped to take in the view

The track through the quarry on the left used to be a hard climb over a rocky surface but over the winter it was smoothed out, bare in mind I have been coming up here for 20 odd years and struggled up to now because the going is so much easier

We took a different track when we got further on and came across this bench

It's one of the best ones I have come across and was placed there in memory of Pip Morgan who died of cancer and was a local postman who was a very keen cyclist 

I like to thing his friends remember him when they ride past

The view from the bench was worth the effort

It sits at a cross roads of paths cyclists use


It has become our new go to place and I sit here and take in the view and remember a guy I never met.
Happy Skywatch

Saturday 15 June 2024

St George Kencot


This week the Church Explorer visits St George Kencot a church which gave much more than I expected


Thursday 13 June 2024

End of May Sunset


Only a couple of photo's this week of a sunset I captured out the front of our house after noticing the sky from the kitchen window

It looked quite spectacular

 Same again only this time with a google effect on it. The sky did not last that long so I never managed to get any more photos.

Happy Skywatch

Monday 10 June 2024

You can never have enough Roses


Well in my opinion you can't

Veilchenblou is out at last and really showing off

I really look forward to seeing this one

This is Blue for you

The mock orange and Rosa Califorinca mixing with Veilchenblou, sit here with a coffee and the scent is overpowering at  times

Californica and Veilchenblou
Looks stunning

I forgotten the names of the all 

But they are beautiful

I thought I had killed this one called Felicity perpetua

looks amazing

Take Care

Saturday 8 June 2024

St Peter Alvescot


This week the Church Explorer visits St Peter Alvescot a very nice church over the west of Oxfordshire which I unfortunately found locked 

Thursday 6 June 2024

Last of May Skys


 First of all take a look at this photo in the link on Geograph it was taken back in 2008 and back then I knew it was only a mater of time before what happens in the next photo

 Just over a year ago in Feb 2023 I noticed they had cut a new entrance off the roundabout

A week or so ago I stopped off and too this photo of a sweeping road to a new estate

The first show how should now be open

 If you go back to the photo in the link you should see the field as it used to be, I know which I would rather have

On a brighter note a day or so later I took this sunset from my front garden

Happy Skywatch

Saturday 1 June 2024

St Gwendoline Talgarth


 This week the Church Explorer visits St Gwendoline Talgarth a rather nice church restored in Victorian times I have see in passing many times only this time I stopped off on my was back from a previous church