Thursday 22 July 2021

Odd Clouds


 This week some odd looking clouds I  spotted 

I thought the bigger one looked like bowser from Super Mario with a vultures head above him

Or maybe an ugly ducking with feet behind

They started to stretch out

The duck got thin and the vulture lost it's neck

Then a little later I noticed they had morphed into one
Happy Skywatch


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

You know I love the single clouds like that.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I also love to cloud watch and imagine what shapes they are!

Jim said...

Beautiful clouds.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful. I love big fluffy clouds like this!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful clouds there.

Jocelyn said...

Pretty clouds no matter what they are.

William Kendall said...

Pretty clouds!

Nanda kumar said...

I love such clouds especially during golden hour!

Sharon said...

It's fun to look at clouds and see the shapes shift and move.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I love how they change

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes it if fun though I feel I'm stretching it a bit with the shape

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you Jim

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I do as well and like to see them

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They are

Billy Blue Eyes said...

All cloud have their good points

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They are very pretty

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I usually miss that

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Always fun never dull

Gloria said...

Cloud watching is always a blast!

Light and Voices said...

Greetings and Salutations! I'm a cloud watcher from w-a-y back.