Monday 28 June 2021

Three Photos


Something a little different today, just tree photos take in different years 

This is Alison's seat, dedicated to her memory, she was on this earth from 1958 - 2003 RIP. The seat sits in a clearing on the track which goes along the hillside at Fforest Fields caravan site. It was taken in March 2008. In the background you can see the fir  trees clearly and the view in front of the seat is quite clear

October 2017 the area looked a little different with all the fir trees in the background gone

Lets move on to the present day and June 2021. Lots of green and if you look you can see young trees growing around. I did not take any shots of what can be seen from the bench but back in the previous two photos you could see easily to the hills now though you can see the hills it is getting quite obscured by the new growth.When the woods were fist cleared the planted native trees which I thought would take years to grow to any hight but now they can be seen growing on the hillside

Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday and Imag-in-ing, you can find all the links in the right hand column Take care everyone


NCSue said...

A nice series! Thanks for sharing at

Fun60 said...

Whilst it's a pity that the view will be obscured I like to see trees springing up.

William Kendall said...

These are beautiful shots.

Photo Cache said...

I like memorial benches on parks. I think that's a cool idea.

Worth a Thousand Words

Shiju Sugunan said...

I like the trail.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Glad you liked them

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Problem is trees and shrubs grow over the years so it was bound to happen.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you William

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I feel they need to be in a place where the surroundings can be appreciated

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes that is in not bad, it's easy going.

Aimz said...

That's nice to have a memorial seat, hopefully her friends and family can sit there and remember her.

Lady Fi said...

Lovely and peaceful.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I could not tell you if they do but it is in a nice place to sit

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes it is there

betty-NZ said...

What an interesting series! It's so nice to see the improvements over time.

Your link this week at 'My Corner of the World' is appreciated!