Friday 29 May 2015

Sky over Cefnlly's

For Our World Tuesday I showed Cefnlly's Castle  I could have also used it for Skywatch Friday but I thought lest show a couple of different views of the place .

 The day before I went along with my wife to see how easy it was to climb the hill and took this photo. You can see a spot where it sticks up
 This is the spot that stuck up, three people taking in the view, one even looks like he clocked me

After going down to the picnic area I looked up and got this view of the hill.
Tanking part in Skywatch Friday

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Fledgeling Sparrows

Cefnlly's Castle

A while ago I was asked if I had any photos of a place called Cefnlly's Castle I had to tell the person I did not but I had been near the place and would go back and get some photos. These are some of the photo's I took that day with my wife.

I took this the day before and realised it was not as easy as I thought so we came back the next day after I worked out a way to climb the hill.

This is the track we took at first along the side of the hill to get to the castle at the top. You can see my wife taking a photo of her own

She was taking photos of this area

 This is where we had to get to, ended up going across the side of the hill near here as the track seemed to go to a farm and I did not want our dogs upsetting anyone

The top, the mound you see is the remains of the castle
 Bit of a closer view of the castle

This looks back to the other end of the hill the second castle which was here once

You can see lots of mounds from the second castle which formed the ditches

 Here we look across part of the hillside

This looks away from the top of the castle to some woods

This is St Michael s Church you can see at the bottom of the hill

View across the top of the hill to the second castle

below is a flock of sheep which are being rounded up by the dog

Another view from top of the castle hill

some of the surrounding countryside

and a shot as we went down

This is a stitched shot of the river below

and one of the top of Cefnlly's and the second castle
You can read more about it here
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday.

Thursday 21 May 2015

Different Times

Don't think I have shown these photos yet. They were taken on the same day in March but at within five minuets of each other.

 First one above looks North and the bottome one looks West
Taking Part in Skywatch Friday

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Bee on a Stump

Moutain Bike Race

While at my Favorite campsite the other day I noticed there was a round of the British mountain bike championship being held there. Lots of people on bike around though on the first day I had other things to do so only say fleeting glances of the races as they went along the hillside. On Sunday I was amazed at the noise fist thing in the morning, it sounded like hundreds of bees swarming around as cyclists warmed up on Turbo trainers (missed getting a photo of that) but a little later I took one of the dogs for a walk before we left for home and went to the start of one of the races to watch. This is what I saw.

 This the area where all teams and support were based

 looking over to the events arena

and over to the left is the start

Turned out it was one of the women's rounds this is where they lined up into the group they were racing in

and this is them all at the start
  This is the start as the novice group races off

and round the back from the first bend

then into the second one

looking back to the fist bend and the second group

here they go round the second bend
jostling for position. They head up the hill you see behind which I might add is quite steep and wears you out walking up, you can see people going up the hard way. I left after this only wish I had brought my DSLR and long lens down to take some better photos, still maybe next time.
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday

Monday 18 May 2015

Pink Elephant

Spotted this on an oil tank while visiting a local church. A great way to brighten up an oil tank.

Taking part in Monday Mural

Thursday 14 May 2015

Sky at Buscot

I've been a bit erratic with my posts after the A to Z challenge in that I have been taking a bit of a break. Should be back to normal next week though but as a taster I show a photos from a place I have yet to blog about. This is the lake at the water gardens at Buscot House in Oxfordshire.

Taking Part in Skywatch Friday

Friday 8 May 2015

More Countryside Sky

Think I will finish the week off with some of the amazing sky I saw when I took my walk along the Itchen Way in March if you check the link you will see the villages I passed through and a few more sky's to boot.

 This is just outside Avington looking towards the manor

 Further along the Valley

 Avington is way back that way

 Tree on top of the Hill

 Looking back to the hill top

The road back to the car
Taking part in Skywatch Friday