Thursday 18 June 2020


If there is one thing I could always be sure of during this lock down it was seeing a blue sky and clouds. Taking photos of clouds is rewarding with the wonderful shapes you can see.

Sort of cuttlefish or may be some one running fast

 not sure but  vapour of a plane wing. Might be stretching that one

Above back to the cuttlefish or was it a dolphin.

Missed the plane that left this one

Going with a humming bird

A feather floating in the sky
And out little feathered friend on next doors roof
Happy Skywatch


Spare Parts and Pics said...

They are all beautiful. That first one reminds me of a whale with it's mouth open!

Valerie said...

A delightfully imaginative collection here Spud. As a child I frequently enjoyed laying on the ground looking up at clouds and making all sorts of shapes from them - thanks for reviving those memories!

Red said...

Good imagination when looking at the clouds.

Jim said...

Good shots.

Esha said...

Lovely! Great to see you let your imagination run riot! :)


Billy Blue Eyes said...

I did think along those lines as well

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I won't be lying on the ground at the moment as it's raining here

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I feel you need to use your imagination

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I can do that at the moment no problem

Anonymous said...

I love seeing your skies there.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I spend much more time looking at the clouds these days.

Anita said...

Lovely summer clouds :)))))

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I doubt they are much different to yours ATM

Billy Blue Eyes said...

A nice pass time

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They are though not so nice over the last few days

Aimz said...

Some of the shapes almost look like ghosts floating along.

Linda said...

It's fun watching the clouds. We are under a jet path from Dulles Airport to points west, so when the weather is a certain way, we see a lot of contrails.

Light and Voices said...

I do the same thing. I look up and declare what the cloud formations look like. I think the first one looks like a whale or a dolphin. Happy first day of summer.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

It's always enjoyable watching cloud formations, Billy. Several of those in this post reminded me of a ghost. Happy summer to you and lots of cloud watching days as well.