Monday 15 June 2020

Three Months On

It is probably more than that but I had to give the post a name and at least now they are starting to ease thing off here, not that it will make much difference because I feel a lot of people are still wary  of being in contact with people but now we can make our own social bubbles. Mind you I do wonder about some family I hear nearby who seem to have been in their own bubble all the time and none of the live together.
So another week for you in the garden though next week I will show something a little different.

As you come out the back door you pass these Sweet peas that are flourishing wonderfully.

At the greenhouse I have now put out some tomatoes

Around the other side you will find the raised beds now have leeks growing and runner beans
Which I am glad to say seem to be growing well and I am hopeful of a couple of late crops
New addition in the Pond is a water Lilly a small one which is growing well

Look in the Greenhouse and the tomatoes and cucumbers are flourishing.

The Carrots continue to grow

By the fence the peas are taking off and the dwarf beans are flowering

 The Potatoes continue to grow out of sight and the Agatha patha I did not thing was growing has now got flower heads appearing
I will leave you with this rose the Country Parson which smells beautiful and I know you cannot smell it but it reminds me of Sherbet Lemons which for anyone who does not live in the UK is a sweet sold in shops that most people love
Take Care everyone.
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday


EricaSta said...

Thank you for sharing. Wonderful garden time now...

Stay healthy.

NCSue said...

Your garden continues to thrive, I see.
I'm a bit nervous as we begin to loosen restrictions, I must admit. But I'm also tired of living like a hermit. Monastic life is not for me!
Thanks for sharing at

eileeninmd said...

Hello, your plants all look beautiful growing well. Now I am starting to think it is best to get out there and see if we can develop some antibodies or immunities to Covid. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

Karen said...

Your garden is coming along nicely. The squirrels have eaten most of my plants. Yep, it's been about 3 months here too. We can double bubble now.

Anonymous said...

Your garden is so beautiful. It is nice to have something to tend to in these times. Stay safe and healthy there.

The Furry Gnome said...

It's all looking good!

Shiju Sugunan said...

Your garden looks great. Stay safe!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Looks like you have not only pretty blooms to look at but soon will have a lot of fresh vegetables to enjoy and there's nothing better than home-grown.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

No problem glad you enjoyed it

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It does and I admit I have been venturing out

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I can see where your going but I don't think I really want to catch it

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I'm glad we do not have squirrels in our garden even though I do like them

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thanks and stay safe as well

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes and some in the greenhouse look ready

Aimz said...

You've done well, the garden looks good and the sweet peas will have the nicest smell.

Fun60 said...

I expect many people will be enjoying the fruits of their labour after lockdown.