Thursday 12 May 2016

Traffic Jam Sky

Beginning of May I was updating my project photos when I noticed the traffic had built up on the A34 causing a long tailback but the sky's looked good

This is the Northbound lane, the slip road off is at the end of the traffic to the right, no doubt people were pulling off in the hope of driving  round to the next junction which I have no doubt was worse

Looking Northbound and the tailback from what I assume is the next junction at Milton where there are some serious roadworks going on

About 10 minuets later on my way back the traffic was easing 


Christine said...

How nice for you to be moving swiftly along over the top of the traffic jam!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, pretty skies! I do not like traffic jams. Have a happy weekend!

William Kendall said...

I can imagine the impatience people would feel.

Photo Cache said...

I drive in traffic jams every single day. Skywatching is the best way to while the time away.

Worth a Thousand Words

Jim said...

Good vantage point.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

If you have to get stuck in traffic, nice to have a beautiful sky to admire!

Mo said...

Get a cycle

uberrhund said...

I try to think of traffic as a "forest and trees" situation, you showed us the lovely bonus of a beautiful day even though traffic was at a standstill.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Funny to see the freeway so busy on one side and fairly quiet the other Bill, must have been going home time :)

Klara said...

brrr, terrific traffic jams. but at least you had nice sky to look at :-).

Anonymous said...

A beautiful sky makes even a traffic jam look okay! Love these photos.

Sharon said...

Sometimes the smallest things cause these back-ups. You just never know.