Thursday 26 May 2016

Sky on Thursday

 My wife met me on Thursday lunchtime & we went up to Bury Down for a small picnic, the sky's were glorious and as I happened to have camera it was rude not go get a couple of photos

   Looking over Oxfordshire past Didcot Powerstation

This way we look towards the Harwell Campus

And finally along the ridgeway towards West Hendred
If you wondered what the black object was in the field in the first photo, well it was this crow cooling itself down 


Gemma Wiseman said...

Lovely soft and subtle skies over grand views. Love how birds spread their feathers when cooling on the ground.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

LOL about being rude not to take photos! Glad you took your camera.

Anonymous said...

Love seeing the skies there. Beautiful views for a picnic.

William Kendall said...

Lovely landscape there, and one can't blame the crow for wanting to relax for awhile.