Monday 12 August 2024

The Village Show


Last week I spent getting prepared for the village show sorting out what I wanted to enter and some photo boards for a group I was helping out with.

One think I was entering was the Cucumber section where you had to submit two well this is what I picked that morning, the longest the curved one was 18" long. We picked the best two out

The show tent before everyone arrived

These were a few of the food and drink places getting set up

 The local volunteers help people around the village with food and shopping and run a food bank once a week, this all came out of Covid

This is where I helped out it was mainly about the Village archive and history

It got busy later in the day

The tent was busy most of the time when Judging finished 

Some of the items on show

Vegetable selection, I can see why it won

I did like this little fairy garden 

I did not do as well as last year but I did win again with the cucumbers 

And a first with one of my photos. My wife got a couple of firsts and a second with her drawings and knitting and my son got a second with his small table he made very happy with the results.

But I do wonder if I would have got any where with this cucumber I found in the greenhouse the next day, Think it would have done well in the oddest shaped vegetable

Take Care


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you, your wife, and son! Lookslike a fun time out there. (NewRobin13)

Rosemary said...

Well done - you and your wife did very well at the village show.

HappyK said...

Looks like a fun time with a great turnout. Congratulations to all the winners in your family!! :)

Red said...

We used to have fall fairs. They were awesome. We don't have them anymore.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Nice looking cucumbers! Well done.

NCSue said...

The curly cuke in the last photo is fascinating!
Congratulations on winning the cucumber prize - those DO look tasty!
Thank you for sharing at

Mary Kirkland said...

Congrats on winning. The fairy garden is cute.

EricaSta said...

Thank you for sharing at MM

Slabs said...

What matters most, you participated, enjoyed it and still won. Love that odd shaped cucumber, I will love munching into it as well.
Found your post on image-in-ing. My entries this week are numbered #35+36
Hope you will join/share M-Sat at

Sarah MumofThree World said...

Congratulations on your wins! Your village show looks lovely.

RachelSwirl said...

There are so many things I could have said in my reply to these shots but I'll keep smut aside and simply say well done. Thanks for linking up and for sharing your snaps with #MySundaySnapshot.