Monday 5 October 2020

October Garden


 We are now into October, the weather has gotten cooler and of late wetter with the first of the winter (or autumn) storms coming in. I have to admit the weather changed very quickly towards the end of September and now we head towards winter by way of autumn. Over the weekend it rained quite a lot and on Sunday morning I looked out the back door an noticed this trug which was nigh on full of water I did not think it had rained that much then remembered it had rained a couple of days previous

 I measured the depth of the water and it was 5" deep, a lot of water

Last week I cut the grass and over Friday night it rained on the Saturday as it was not raining we started to tidy up the garden, The californica rose had grown to over three meters high so that was cut back to a ore reasonable hight, no doubt it will sono grow to that hight again
At the bottom of the garden the geraniums that grew here were cut back reviling a rose that was almost hidden by the plants
The rose on the Arbour was cut back letting you get inside again

The raised beds looked very sad with few remaining leaks I had planted around the beans now able to grow. The empty bed will have broad beans planted in a few days
The cuttings from the plants were placed in these trugs before being put in the bin for composting and the green bags in a previous photo. They were empty on Saturday evening. Overnight it rained and in the morning this is what was in the bins, nearly 3" of water so over the last few days we have had around 5" of rain and yes some places have been flooded.

The one thing that benefited was the pond and when I cleared out some of the rubbish at the bottom a frog jumped out of the net when I tipped the debris out near the pond then jumped back in when I went to catch it. I told my wife who was overjoyed we had a frog, she had been worried they were not coming back as we had not seen one for  a year
My wife came down to look for the frog and spotted it with it's head poking up in the plants. We were very happy so see it and hoped for a few more in the spring.
Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday and Imag-in-ing, you can find all the links in the right hand column
Take Care Everyone



William Kendall said...

That looks like a good sized frog.

NCSue said...

I love that frog photo!
Great shots, all.
Thanks for sharing at

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It did look quite big when it jumped in the pond

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It made my day seeing it

Fun60 said...

We've had far too much rain. I planted my bulbs last Thursday and now I am worried they will rot. You are ahead of me with clearing your garden and getting it ready for winter.

eileeninmd said...


Your had a lot of rain, I am sure the frog is loving all that water. Take care, enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy new week!

Aimz said...

It's cleanup time for the garden but rainwater is the best thing out.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I need to find somewhere for the bulbs but the clearing is ongoing

Billy Blue Eyes said...

More than I expected

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes its good for the garden and a lot of other things

Jackie McGuinness said...

I had to laugh. When I looked at the thumbnail photo in the linkup, I thought the garbage bags were a pair of really big turquoise running shoes!

Bill said...

That was a nice surprise when the frog showed his head. What do they do to survive the winter? Nice photos of your garden cleanup.

Linda said...

Cute frog!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They would be big

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Hibernate either in the mud or under rocks

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Very cute

betty-NZ said...

You seem to keep busy all the time with your garden! I love finding forgotten flowers beneath those that have already bloomed :)

I'm happy to see your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week!!