Thursday 8 October 2020

Crescent Moon and Mist


Not taken any new sky photos this week so taking you back to Wales. 

While taking the dog out for an evening stroll I took this shot of the moon rising over Aberedw Hill
I cropped the photo to show the crescent moon
The next morning we went out for a walk up the hill, a couple of weeks a go I shoed some photos from lover down, here we are near the top of the path looking down a gully
A wider view shows both the hillsides
Looking between a gap in the treeline near the path back down the hill. It was time to go back for breakfast.
Happy Skywatch


Aimz said...

It's familiar scenery to me, looks very similar to our NZ countryside including the sheep.

Anonymous said...

It's so beautiful there. Love these photos. I think we would like to live there, especially if the worst thing happens in the November election here.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Pretty shots and nice captures of the crescent moon. Something so serene about sheep in a pasture!

Jim said...


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love your green landscape and soft sky photos.

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

Lovely valley fog :)

Billy Blue Eyes said...

A lot of places in the UK are similar, that's why so many Brits like NZ

Billy Blue Eyes said...

You would be very welcome but don't give up yet

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes I was lucky with that one

Billy Blue Eyes said...

To the point as usual

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They will be green from now till summer, lots of rain there

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes I have seen a few nice ones lately

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I do like seeing the scenery when others go for walks in their area and morning fog is especially lovely, Billy.