Thursday 15 October 2020

Last Friday


 Last Friday I was up around 6am and while looking out the window at the kitchen sink I noticed a glimmer of light appearing so I necked through the patio doors and saw the first light of dawn. Well it was too good to miss so I grabbed my iPhone and went to watch the dawn

 A star could be seen in the East

Six hours later I though why not take another shot of the sky
Looking to the East more the clouds threatened rain
The Red Kits just wheeled around and did not care
Another six hours or so later and the sky was getting darker
Out front the sun was setting
Another day gone but at least the sunrise and sunset were worth watching
Happy Skywatch


Cloudia said...

So glad you did. Mothical!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

A day in the life of a sky! Beautiful shots. I really like the dawn captures, and seeing how your sky changes.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos. Love seeing the sky there.

Jim said...

Great dawn shots.

bookworm said...

It's wonderful how the sky changes as the day progresses. I've never documented a day in the sky. It's a great idea. Alana

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

You are a true skywatcher documenting a whole day from sunrise to sunset.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How beautiful with the capture of the star and then the birds! You have a pretty place to take photos of the sunrise and sunset! Won't be long until it's sunset at dinner time! lol Enjoy your day!

Joyful said...

Beautiful photos. I haven't been out to take photos at dawn for awhile.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes might try it again

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Interesting way to see how things change during the day

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes and I got another great one this morning

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thanks Jim

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It's a good way to do it

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I try and do my best

Billy Blue Eyes said...

One of the reasons I took the photo, I was glad it was in the picture

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Probably my favourite time of the day

William Kendall said...

Beautiful sky shots!