Thursday 30 July 2020

Sunset on the trees

The other day I popped out back to do something after it had been raining and looked at the sun shining on the tree's outlinned by the dark clouds ahead
 The Apple tree shone
 Outlined by the clouds
Even the old flowering plum tree stood out
Happy Skywatch


eileeninmd said...

Lovely series! Take care, stay safe! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty light there.


That's so beautiful I love the nature beautify itself
New post

Sharon said...

That sky makes a perfect backdrop!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Clouds and the sky always provide a great canvas, I agree Billy.

Klara said...

that's an interesting light.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

You take care as well

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Caught my eye

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes it is nice

Billy Blue Eyes said...

That was what I liked about it

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Especially with dark clouds

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It was that which made me look again