Monday 27 July 2020

Ripe Tomatoes

As you can see we picked our first ripe tomatoes last week

We have also picked Cucumbers and Zuccini's


In the greenhouse I noticed that the Aubergine's are showing fruit now
Outside the Tomatoes are changing colour  

Like the ones in the greenhouse
Cucumbers grow well

and so does this tomato my wife found in a planet she was given. Lettuce seem to just grow

In  the beds sunflower and runner bean flower
The pond is brightened by a water lilly
Taking part in Our World Tuesday


NCSue said...

Those tomatoes make my mouth water! Yum!
Thanks for sharing at

The Furry Gnome said...

Looks very good!

Lady Fi said...


Anonymous said...

Looks delicious. We're going to pick our first ripe tomato today. Yum!

Fun60 said...

They all look delicious.

William Kendall said...

It's been quite awhile since I last had cucumber.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They did taste good

Billy Blue Eyes said...

The were thank you

Billy Blue Eyes said...

O yes

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I should have more in the next few days

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Better than I expected

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Odd thing was my next door neighbour offered me some as he had a glut, at least we are getting most most days

Aimz said...

yum! well done, cant' beat fresh fruit and veges.

Gloria said...

Your garden has come along nicely. The cool weather has really delayed mine. It will still be a few weeks before I have any ripe tomatoes. Thank goodness for the farmers market!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Beautiful and fruitful garden. Ours has been producing since April and is now in decline because of the heat.

Kathleen Van Lierop said...

They really look beautiful!! I started up a (small) kitchen garden. So far, there are now zucchini, spinach, small tomatoes and pumpkins are coming! Your pictures are amazing, just as your blog and your garden.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

No you can't especially when you grow them

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Mine are a bit slow I think

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Getting hot here now so I fear that will happen to us

Billy Blue Eyes said...

My zucchini are blighted by blackfly so I may give them up next year

betty-NZ said...

What a great variety you have going there! I looooove tomatoes from the garden!

I'm so happy to see your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week!! Thanks for linking up with us.

John's Island said...

Hi Bill, I'm a fan of your photography, your location, and the things you post about. Wow, your garden is so nice. Congrats. John

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Ripening up well now

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you John, I enjoy the photos you show as well. Take care