Thursday 23 July 2020

A Thursday Sunset

Early this month I was walking back indoors from the garden and noticed an orange sky so I picked up the phone and went around the front of the house to take a few photos of the sun setting across the allotments

Happy Skywatch


Anonymous said...

Quite a beautiful sunset there. It's been foggy here for a while so it is lovely to see your fiery lit sky.

Karen said...

The colour of the sky, and the trees in the foreground...splendid!

Jim said...

Beautiful sky.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Sometimes I'd like fog here, least it would be cooler

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes it did work out well

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Cheers Jim

Aimz said...

So nice when the sky looks like that, almost like a torch through the clouds.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sunsets are wonderful sights, Billy, and too often mine are marred by power lines but at least most can be cropped out. Thanks for sharing these.