Thursday 16 July 2020

Dark Clouds

These were taken a couple of weeks ago when I went to the vets to collect some tablets for the dog. When I cam out I noticed them working over on a new housing estate, least the last of the houses before they start in the next field. I thought Skywatch and took a couple of photos

 Looks quite dark over there
But I doubt the two guys working on the house are worried

Maybe they should be.
Happy Skywatch


Jim said...

Great sky shots.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I love your video. How did you do it? Very dramatic!

Karen said...

I like the colours in the forefront. A lovely contrast with the sky.

Nanda kumar said...

Love the countryside look with clouds

Ella said...

Very nice sky shots.
This summer we have not so nice weather ...

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Cheers Jim

Billy Blue Eyes said...

App on my iPhone called Ps Camera

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes they worked well

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes it does show up well, pity about the houses

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I don't ming as long as it is not hot so suits me a the moment

Anonymous said...

Lovely sky photos. Very cool video.

Susie of Arabia said...

Lovely clouds

Sharon said...

You found a great sky to photograph. I wonder if a bit of rain appeared.

Bill said...

The sky photos are beautiful. The house looks like a huge one, I wonder if more than one family will live there.

John's Island said...

Hi Bill, First of all, great to hear from you, and thank you so much for the amazing comment you left on my blog a few days ago. I truly enjoyed reading about how the pandemic has played out so far in your part of the world. I had very similar experiences doing the grocery shopping. Early on I was so disappointed with the stock in the store ... it seemed like they were out of so many things, especially flour and yeast. I guess lots of folks were making their own bread just like you. More recently, at the grocery, I was talking to one of the checkers and asked if they had been staying busy all the time as it seems like they are, at least every time I go there, busier than they used to be. She said yes, and said they expect it to stay that way as long as most folks are eating at home instead of going out to the restaurants. And, I'm afraid many of our restaurants are not going to make it. Even today, almost all of them are "take out" only. Example, all the McDonalds are drive-thru only. Now, you are so right about no governments treating the situation seriously from the start and especially not USA with our clown leader who doesn't even wear a mask. What a poor example he sets. I admire you for getting your garden going. Maybe you will share some garden photos on Spud's Daily. As always I enjoyed your photos here on this Dark Clouds post. I just admire your part of the world and how you capture it. Well, bottom line, I'm glad to hear you and family are doing well. Take good care and stay safe. Thanks again Bill for sharing your photography and for your comment!