Things are growing well in the greenhouse with lots of tomatoes growing (still green) and we have been also eating Cucumbers off the plants you see
as you can see the plants are looking good
The runner beans are growing very well, this photo was taken a week ago and they are a lot bigger now
As you can see
Lot's of tomatoes

and cucumbers too
The leeks are growing very well
As you can see
Lot's of tomatoes
and cucumbers too
The leeks are growing very well
We pulled a few carrots and had them along with some peas we grew
Also planted more carrots and planted them in various containers
This an old water butt stand I though would be good for more carrots
We also harvested the first potatoes
and we had those along with peas & carrots we grew
That's it for now I'll update again next week
Looks like you had a nice harvest with your potatoes. I haven't tried to grow leeks before. I'll have to look into it. We had the first of our large tomatoes ripen and are looking forward to enjoying more. Have a great week!
Yummy stuff happening here Billy!
Your tomatoes look great!
Great garden beds, hoping my little garden grows like yours, but its winter here so I will have to wait a bit longer. Thanks for the photos.
Beautiful! Nothing tastes as good as home grown veggies.
You really have "green fingers" Everything is so beautiful ...
Truly organic vegetables!
Your garden is really looking great and productive. A few of our tomatoes here are starting to turn red! Yay! We've been eating zucchini, green beans, and kale from the garden.
Oh my! What a fantastic garden you have! I've enjoyed watching it flourish and grow.
Thanks for linking up at
Wow!Iam amazed!
I think they could have been better but I have not grown them for years. The leeks are the first I have ever grown but seem easy to do so
Very Yummy
Just wish they would turn red
HArd to think of winter at the moment
Yes something I never appreciated as a kid
No I do not own up to having green fingers but I am getting there
Be a couple of weeks before we have beans or zucchini
I do every morning just to see if anything changed
Thank you so am I at times
we miss having our own garden fresh garden veggies, but thankfully there is a farmer's market here in the city on Sundays so this week we bought fresh beans, zucchini and yellow squash. But no tomatoes here yet so I am envious of your crop. Everything looks great and I'm sure tastes even better, BIlly. We never had any luck growing potatoes (sigh).
The spuds (potatoes)are grown in a bin or small barrel
Wow - lovely garden. Just keep those bugs away (from the next post!) LOL
Yum! My mouth is watering for your awesome veggies!
Your support for 'My Corner of the World' is much appreciated! Thanks for your link this week.
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