It does seem a little surreal writing blogs on my garden, this is the sixth one, has it been that long before we were told not to go out. I that time my garden has changed a lot with flowers coming out and dying off.
The runner beans just keep growing and now live in a cold frame to harden off, hopefully the will be getting planted out later this week

In the greenhouse the Cucumbers, and tomatoes have been potted on continue to grow well. The aubergines lag a little but do look like they are starting to grow. The Carrots are getting bigger as well
The is a favourite place to sit with a cup of tea when we have the table and chairs there
This clematis has come into flower and looks wonderful
It grows on a pyramid on one side opposite this potato vyne
which is also coming into flower as well.
Purple and white lilac flowers behind the greenhouse
While flowering near the house another clematis flowers
I will end this week with a photo of this little clematis which was only planted just before the virus raised it's ugly head, it is starting to grow and has had it's first flowers.
Take Care everyone.
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday
Your garden and plants in bloom are great to see, Bily, as the only view here is of a dreary and rainy day, which is the same as the day before it. Thanks for adding some cheer to the day for me and I'm sure others as well :-)
Your garden is coming along nicely! Thanks for sharing your photos at
You must have green fingers. Your plants are looking great.
A lot of nice flowers you have! Gorgeous Clematis!
I love your garden. Lovely to sip coffee there.
Worth a Thousand Words
Very nice photos!
Just to cheer you up even more it is raining here today
Long may it do so
I cannot claim that though I feel my wife does as she gets things to grow from cuttings
They do look nice
Yes sitting in the shade it is worth taking time in
Thank you.
It's lovely seeing your garden growing there. Wonderful photos.
Thank you my wife is the one who comes up with the ideas
Spectacular clematis!
I thought that as well
You have a beautiful garden and I am sure the time spent there must be a booster dose of happiness. I loved the clematis :)
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