Monday 6 April 2020

More From The Garden

I hope you all are keeping up your spirits at this bad time. Like everyone we are trying to stay in going out as little as possible and only going out for essentials. We make out own amusements and the garden is top of the list. A couple of weeks ago I showed you around my Garden where you would have seen our greenhouse.  This week I'll show what we get up to in it and what we have planned next in our garden.

The Greenhouse was built last year for use this year and I have been trying to grow plants from seeds.
These were started in the house on the windowsill. Here on the top shelf are some sweet peas with parsley growing in the square pots

Above on the floor are a couple of Hydrangeas which were wintered in the greenhouse away from the frost, last year the got badly cropped by it. Outside you can see a pile of soil and wheelbarrow the cause of my back problem in digging a pond, it is a little better now.
Right my first experiment in growing tomato seeds and chillies, not sure how successful as I am a bit disappointed in them, last year the chillies were growing really well

More seed growing here. My feeling is I planted them too soon I managed to grow tomatoes from seed last year. Like I said this year is all an experiment with what I grow

These are more plants grown from seed on the top shelf
These are carrots that were grown in a seed tray the potted in old plastic bottles another little experiment to see how they grow

The next project was something my wife thought we should try, raised vegetable beds, the left hand photo shows how they came in a box of parts, I confess my son helped me build them and my wife dug out the area where they would go
This is the finished bed assembled ready to go in place
As we bought two here they are side by side full of the soil you saw through the greenhouse window and compost ready for planting. We will be planting Runner beans and leeks in the other. The bottled carrots you saw in the greenhouse will go around the edges of one of the beds. That is it for this week I will keep you updated on how things go with the growing.
Keep safe everyone
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday 


Anita said...

Wow!!Amazing!!!Is this really Your work wow!!Looks so great!thanx for sharing beautiful images
Keep up the good work and stay healthy :))))

Lydia C. Lee said...

This must be bringing you great joy. We need to set up something like this...

Robin said...

Cracking job, Bill.

Rusty Ring: Reflections of an Old-Timey Hermit

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

This post brought back memories because when we lived in VA, we built a greenhouse in the backyard and also had raised beds. Looks like you will have lots of vegetable choices once everything gets growing.

Anonymous said...

I love seeing what you are growing there. I hope everything sprouts and grows well. Your greenhouse is great, as are those raised beds. We would love a greenhouse here, but there's not enough room for one. Good luck with all of it! And stay safe and healthy there.

Photo Cache said...

I like your garden box. Stay safe.

Worth a Thousand Words

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Lot of hard work but in from the two of us staring from a blank canvas a few years ago

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes it is when all the spring flowers come out

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you Robin

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Not sure we will see how it goes

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes they are, lot easier that using sleepers which are a lot heavier

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you

Fun60 said...

The raised beds are a very good idea. Look forward to seeing your harvests.

Veronica Lee said...

I am excited for you! Can't wait to see your garden grow!!!

Happy Gardening!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

So do I though they might not all grow

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank younor can I wait, I keep willing the seeds on

NCSue said...

Looks like a wonderful garden is in your future!
Thank you for sharing at

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I hope so