Monday 15 July 2019

Greys Court

Now I have been to Greys Court before back in 2014 so my wife and I decided to decided to have a return visit

  We walked around the gardens visting the places we had seen last time

The gardens were just as nice as they were last time but this time we ended up in a different part

Were we saw this wonderful old Wisteria 

I found it hard to believe that it was it was so old

It was like walking around a labyrinth. The green foliage you see on the left is part of the wisteria

Another part of the garden a path leads you to the wood caring above/

Left is a tunnel of fruit trees trained over an arch it leads to a fountain 

Roses like some of the paths

In the vegetable garden you can see some giant artichokes 

We walked off through some of the grounds and found this restored Ice House 

We walked back and ended up in the garden centre park of the place were we bought a plant my wife had her eye on
The House is looked after by the National Trust and they ran the place and had a gift shop that we also stopped off in. I dare say we will return again as there are other parts I missed.


Fun60 said...

It looks delightful. Must make a note to visit.

Photo Cache said...

This place is certifiably impressive.

Worth a Thousand Words

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Beautiful garden but that wisteria is unbelievable.

K V V S MURTHY said...

An Exotic place to be. Have a nice day.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I've seen some ancient wisterias, but nothing as impressive as the one you show here. The walled garden looks wonderful too.

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful place to walk there. Your photos and words about the old wisteria reminded me of this song by Richard Shindell. I hope you enjoy it.

Little Wandering Wren said...

I loved our visit to Greys Court too, I am a National Trust member and enjoy their sites. I remember the Ice house, thank you for brining back happy memories of our visit.
Wren x

William Kendall said...

Such a beautiful place!

Sharon said...

That really is a beautiful place. I'd love to walk around those gardens.