Thursday 25 April 2019

Information Office Sky

Going back in time here a bit, back to May 2010 when I was in Builth Wells. I stopped to take a photo of statue of a Bill beside the River Wye. I also took on eo fthis tourest information office with the blue sky behind it

The weathervane was a Bull
And this is the bull I had come to see with the Bridge in the background and River Wye flowing under it
Have a great weekend


William Kendall said...

That bull sculpture is quite a sight to see.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

A cool bull statue! I like the weather vane and blue sky.

Fun60 said...

The bull weathervane is unusual.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I've always been a Francophile, but your travels are building a longing in me to see England.

Jenn Jilks said...

What an interesting building!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Then you are missing out. France has never been a place I have enjoyed going to, I never found them friendly towards the English and if they are to you it is only because your spending money. There are so many places in England that are worth visiting and many Libraries that are world famous plus you can visit the places authors were born and are buried.

Aimz said...

Nice Sculpture but why the focus on bulls?

Lady Fi said...

I like that weather vane.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I think it is to do with the twon was a centre for a Bull Market, there was a breed of Bulls here that dated back to Roman times that have now died out