Sunday 31 March 2019

Making a nest

The other week I could not beleve my eyes, a Great Tit was at a nesting box in my garden

A return with a beakful of nesting material
 Admitidly some of the stuff was too big for the hole
 But give him his due he kept trying
 Also noticed this fellow with his head in the feeder
 The another came along for a feed
As Far as I know the Great Tit is nesting in the box and on to of tha I have a Robin nesting in another  so I'm a happy bunny watching the birds in my garden
Tking part in Our World Tuesday


Anonymous said...

Love seeing the nest building going on there. Ah spring!

Sharon said...

I have a friend who had several bird houses in his yard and he said no one ever moved in to any of them. You must have a very welcoming yard. That's actually a very nice looking birdhouse too.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Great to see them nest building. Also good to see that you've got a Greenfinch on the feeders; there seem to be far fewer around here at the moment.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Got a magpie out there helping themselfs on another. The greenfinch pops in quit eofften along with another

Fun60 said...

Great photos of your visitors.

William Kendall said...

Your first shot is my favourite of the set.

Robin said...

Beautiful birds!

Rusty Ring: Reflections of an Old-Timey Hermit

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

All of these birds are new to me. Maybe they are rare in North America?

I live in one of the biggest birding areas in the US. At the end of April, I’ll be at the Neotropical Bird Observatory, recording birds sited. I hope to go another day and take pictures. It should be good birding.

Jenn Jilks said...

Aw. It's a great time of year.

NCSue said...

A wonderful series!
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