Saturday 2 March 2019

Holy Cross Sparsholt

This week the Church Explorer takes you the Holy Cross Sparsholt where you find Wooden Tomb Effigies as well as stone ones


John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I love exploring churches like that - it looks as though it's been made from spare parts - so much to discover!

Andy said...

This church looks like it has been there for a long time.

Mary said...

it's places such as this, with picturesque old churches, that makes the English countryside so special.
Any snowdrops or primroses yet?

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Lots of snowdrops in the churchyard if you follow the link though now most of them have gone over

Billy Blue Eyes said...

A very long time Andy

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Come across a few looking like that, something I doubtthey would get away with now

William Kendall said...

That is quite something to behold.

Sharon said...

A lovely scene. It sounds like a great place to explore.