Tuesday 21 March 2017



Klara S said...

I like second picture. Waiting for spring? ...

William Kendall said...

There are similar plants here.

Gosia said...

Defiitely spring

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I cheated William, they we in the Garden Centre

John said...

Like both photographs. Catkins have an alien look about them.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I've never seen them or heard of them. They are quite spectacular. I wonder if they need a lot of tending....


Sharon said...

I've learned a new word today. Thank you very much!

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've ever seen catkins, but these photos make me want to!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Google it is all I can say, they are on Wikipedia

Billy Blue Eyes said...

That is good, you should learn a new word every day

Billy Blue Eyes said...

No but then they are only around in the spring, you see them on trees, these were in a garden centre

Photo(Geo)grapher said...

The spring is coming!