Tuesday 18 August 2015

Part Two of Francine's and Prunella's A-Z of their garden, N-Z

N is for Nature...

Occasional we are very lucky to spot the wonders of nature in our own gardens. 

Mr Chaffinch defending his teritory in the Spring...

His challenger, his own reflection. The future Mrs Chaffinch was watching, obviously impressed as they went on to produce some cute little chicks.

O is for Olive tree...

P is for Prunella enjoying the scent of the Philadelphus 'Belle Etoile' mock orange bush...


Q is for Queen Francine, queen of her own garden...


  R is for Roses with their rich fragrances...

Rich, sharp, fruity fragrance of the rose Abraham Darby...

Sweet smelling Aurthur Bell...


Rosa Californica 'Plena' (California Wild Rose), with it's deliciously fragrant flowers

S is for Snowdrops...

T is for Tulip

U is for Up high...

  Prunella loves to climb, she's a real tomboy...

V is for Vinca, the Greater Periwinkle
Vinca major...

W is for Whippet ...

In her younger days she loved to help herself to the fruit from the trees, especially apples...

 Now she's happier to take life at a much slower pace & relax in the garden. Though she still has her mad moments...

X is for Xanthina 'Canary Bird' & Xmas Rose.

  One of the first roses to bloom, Rosa Xanthina 'Canary Bird' is one of Francine's favourites. A must in any garden.

  Christmas Rose Helleborus niger  

Y is for Yellow flowers ....

                      & also the colour of Francine's hair...

Z is for Zebra...

Well, you really didn't think that Francine had any flowers beginning with Z did you?
Hope you enjoyed this as much as we did.
Enjoy your green spaces, wherever you are xx

Thank you for your visit.
Have a great day.