Monday, 3 August 2015

Corfe Castle

Visited the town of Corfe Castle a while ago and after going round the Castle went for a walk round the town.


 The center has this cross which was dominates the market place 
The cross has this water pump beside  it

which I thought was quite unique

Opposite is the post office

with an hotel next to it

the main street through the town

dominated by the ruined castle

while walking back I spotted another pump
Just like the one in the town cente

after circling round we came up another street

that has the smallest Town Hall building in England

it even has a plaque stating that
  then it was back to the center again. We bought some pasties from the baker in the town center which I have to say were the worst I have ever eaten. It left us thinking not  to use that baker again again 
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday.


Fun60 said...

Sad the pasties were rubbish. I usually expect the best from small bakers in market towns. Those pumps look interesting and no doubt have an interesting story to tell

Anonymous said...

I always love when you take a nice long walk around towns there. The sights are so beautiful and so unlike where I live here on the north coast of California. Lovely town there.

Joyful said...

Very nice, quiet, little town. Too bad teh pastie wasn't very good.

Rajesh said...

Wonderful shots of the castle and surroundings.

Anonymous said...

What a pretty place!

Sharon said...

I love this little tour around the town. That castle when standing certainly commanded the high spot in town.

Ingrid said...

Looks like a beautiful village, love these old houses !

Halcyon said...

Sounds like a fun day (except the pasties). Is the water from those fountains drinkable? I like the way they look!

William Kendall said...

I like the look of the town- it has character.

Unknown said...

A very charming looking town. Sorry the pastries were terrible.