Monday, 23 February 2015

My World Saturday

This is what we faced on Saturday morning, you would think we had a lot of heavy rain but no this was a blocked sewer, was bubbling up through the manhole covers

 It had been like this since Friday

In the end it was cleaned up and drained away. the Cause was a rag and fat blocking the pipe furter down
Hope you had a better weekend. Taking part in Our World Tuesday


Marcia said...

Must have been a whole lot of fat to block a sewer!

EG CameraGirl said...

Looking mighty we there!!

Lew said...

Not a fun way to start a day! Looks fairly clean for a sewer and nice reflections from the water. We had our sewer and water issues last year, but no flooding. Utility folks restored service quick with pumps and above ground pipe (

carol l mckenna said...

Great photos but sad event ~ almost as bad as Snow Blizzards in New England ~

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

Indrani said...

That can be difficult! Hope it is back to normal now.

Ingrid said...

Looks very familiar to me !

Fun60 said...

The fatbergs are just getting bigger and bigger. One day the whole of the sewage system is going to come to a standstill. It doesn't bear thinking about.

William Kendall said...

That is a nuisance!