Tuesday, 10 February 2015

A Visit to Burford

I visited Burford with my wife as a day out on our Wedding Anniversary, must admit I could have a different day when it was warmer. On the day of our visit it was perishing with a clod wind not helping.

 This is Burford High Street, a typical Cotswold town if you like. I pass though here quite often going to Wales along the A44. The town dates back to Saxon times so is full of history, I took a few photos of the place when we walked round so you can see yourself.

This is one of the road which leads to the baptist church as we came out of the car park

Another of the buildings in Burford, Think it may be a hotel
Not sure about this building but I think it's called Tolsey, a market house from Tudor times now a museum.
Looking down the High Street from the War Memorial

Very Tempted to go in here for some Cheese
 One of the side alleys leading to a house

Brush Shop, you can get all types here

This is the River Windrush that runs round the town going through Witney before joining up with the Thames at New Bridge

This is the lower end of the High Street  as you come to the bridge over the Windrush

One of the older buildings which now Burford House Hotel

One of the pubs along the High Street this one is the Mermaid
This is the Place we ended up at. Hufkins it is a bakers and tea shop. It was lunch time so I treated my wife to Lunch and very nice it was too. I might add they also serve High Tea and there were quite a few foreign tourists enjoying one. Next  Time I we visit High Tea is on the cards 

After I went to visit the church for some photos .
 This looks towards St Johns Church and the older building are the  Almshouses which were for the town poor they were Founded by Richard Earl of Warwick in the year 1457
 And this is the main entrance to the St Johns Church and if you want to see my blog on that then click on the link.
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday 


Halcyon said...

Looks like a very nice place to visit. Hope you and your wife had fun!

Magnus said...

Beautiful photos, thx for showing!

Ingrid said...

It looks like a very beautiful typical English village !

Birgitta said...

Very nice and interesting photo series!

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful tour, looks like a pretty village to visit. Have a happy week!

Sharon said...

this looks like a place I would love to visit.

William Kendall said...

It looks busy, but also very appealing to visit!