Tuesday 22 July 2014


Boris started it all of in London with Boris Bikes so all the other city's & bit towns decided to jump on the band wagon, now Reading is in on the act with Ready Bike. You can hire a bike and ride round the town to where eve. Not sure how popular it is but you can get them on Broad Street.

 Rows of bikes
 Telling you about the launch
 Another row of Bikes. Taking Part in Our World Tuesday


LindyLouMac said...

Calling by from Our World Tuesday, I think this is a great scheme, seen all over the place now I have seen in France and Thailand on my travels.

Gattina said...

I was very much surprised when I saw these bikes a little everywhere in London now. This service exists already a few years now in Brussels and other cities too. Not a bad idea for those who have the courage to bike !

Fun60 said...

The next photo I hope is you using one of these bikes Bill!

William Kendall said...

We have these bikes here as well for use in the city. It's a good way to get about.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

In London one minute, the next in Reading! There were some bikes in Yorkshire the other day too. Good idea though!

Barb said...

We have a similar bike program in Denver, CO - there are various locations all over the city where you can rent and leave the bikes. I often see people tooling around on them.