Monday, 14 July 2014

Murals at Work

Took these round the site I work at. They are giant posters really and depict what goes on inthe various places.

 You see this one as you come in the main gate

 This is another you can see along one of the internal roads
This one is my favorites showing Rutherford & Appleton who the labs are named after. Taking part in Monday Mural


Gerald (SK14) said...

O yes I like that third one especially. Thanks for the assistance last week - fires at recycling places are becoming a common occurrence throughout the UK

EG CameraGirl said...

I like the third one best too.

RedPat said...

I like the historical one too!

Anonymous said...

Ooo boy, heavy stuff. Over my head but nice to look at. Thank you for visiting my Mail Pouch Tobacco.

hamilton said...

Science is a mystery to many, so these are a great idea!

my fading mural was of cyclists - though it was hard to see properly! the building has now been demolished.