Monday 23 June 2014

NY Taxi on the Kings Road

Friday afternoon I was in Reading with my wife and while walking along the Kings ROad I noticed a New York Taxi on an adverising hording. It was begging to be photographed so here it is.

 I took a couple and stitched them to show a bigger photo
Taking Part in Monday Mural


Chrissy Brand said...

I think I know the road but not the mural. Will look out next time. TAXI! Brilliant.

RedPat said...

Good one, Bill!

Halcyon said...

Cute mural! Love all the color. :)

Sharon said...

Great mural! I love the taxi.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

I like the way the artist played with height, distance, and perspective. Thanks, Bill, for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.