Sunday 15 June 2014

Altar Mural

Some of the more amazing murals  have come across are the backdrops to altars in churches so I will be showing some from time to time. This weeks comes from The Holy Trinity Church Ardington
The village is not far from Wantage a town steeped in history

The Mural behind the Altar
 The work that goes into doing these murals is something that is missed by most people as they never bother to look in the church. You don't need to believe to appreciate the work that has been done.
Taking part in Monday Mural


Linda W. said...

Wow, that's an amazing painting!

Halcyon said...

Beautiful and ornate! I look forward to seeing more.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Stunning pictures, Bill.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari On
You are absolutely right Bill - how can one not linger and wonder with such beauty before one??? YAM xx

Gerald (SK14) said...

quite a resplendent altar piece.

RedPat said...

It's beautiful!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

These look they could be frescoes. Any idea who did them? Agree with you completely that you don't have to be a believer to be drawn to and affected by this art. I guess the same could be said about street art. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.