Friday 30 August 2013

The Tor

Looking up the side of Glastonbury Tor, as you can see it's very steep.
Taking part in Skywatch Friday


Dana said...

Is it ever! The sky is gorgeous.

Bridgit's Bell said...

Armchair traveling. I want to go here.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Had to stop a few times climbing it but the view is worth it.

Molly Page said...

It looks magical!

Saun said...

That it is great shot!

Timur Wilde Photography said...

Hello Bill,

this is such a wonderful photo...I love this landscape !!

Amazing photo.

Enjoy your weekend

Joyful said...

That is a hike. It looks beautiful and the scene is peaceful.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

A lot of people believe Glastonbury is especially the Tor

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you I seem to work well

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you I liked the angle as well

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It is I must admit but the previous hill leading to it felt worse.