Friday 30 August 2013

The Oak

This is the remains of an Oak tree and it is one of a pair which have their name to Old Oaks Campsite. The tree is around 2000 years old and I'm stood beside it's made which is nearly as old. As you can see this one is now dead though it was still clinging to life when I first visited the place many years ago.

This is a stitch three photos 
You will be glad to know they collected the acorns and grew new trees from them so now park has lots of oak trees.
 Have a great weekend


Timur Wilde Photography said...

Hi Bill,

you´ve made such nice photos. My favorite is the last one !!

Enjoy your Weekend


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you Timur

Dana said...

Two thousand! That's amazing!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It is but oaks like long like yew trees.