Thursday 25 November 2021

Morning Dog Walk


A couple of weeks ago I was in Wales for a couple of days and on the saturated morning took our dog out fro a walk early in the morning along with my phone just in case 

A good job I did take my phone because looking back I saw the sun making its presents known

Making the clouds shine

Turning around the clouds were orange along the edge

The rock in the lake making a good subject with the still water and sky behind

The morning looks beautiful

looking down the lake from the path where we walked

The hills behind silhouetted

The hill in the distance lit by the sun

The sheep grazing with mist rising in the valley

Turning back I noticed the sky reflecting in the lake

The hill in the lake as well

The sky and hills mirrored in the lake.

I hope you have enjoyed the photos as much a I did taking them. If you cannot post a reply I will attainder, I'm having problems myself with Firefox though it does seem OK with MS Edge

Happy Skywatch


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Hopefully it will work now :))

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful photos. So glad you took your phone!
PS: For blogging purposes, I have to use MS Edge too. I have problems posting replies when I use Chrome.

Anonymous said...

Truly beautiful sunrise photos there. I am so glad you photographed that sunrise and shared them here.

William Kendall said...

Lovely skies!

I've been noticing comments vanish the odd time when they're already published.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

You captured some great images with your phone!

Linda said...

Beautiful pictures, stunning reflections.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Looks like I will be changing to MS Edge because I still cannot comment with Firefox. Considering upgrading to an iPhone 13 pro

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I do like to Get sunrises they are always different each time you see one

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you Yogi

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes I was pleased with them as well

Bill said...

Beautiful photos, glad you decided to take your phone. The area looks like a great play to walk. Enjoy your weekend.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It is not a bad place to stroll around when it is nice, the wind whips across there at times

Linda P said...

Glad you had a nice trip. It looks like a tranquil place to have a holiday base. A morning walk with those fantastic skies were a good start to the day.

Mary Kirkland said...

Wow, you really got some great shots. Those sky pictures are so pretty.

Aimz said...

Mornings are the best time for dog walking, I use to take my foxy out every morning around 5am

Powell River Books said...

Having a phone with a built-in camera sure has changed photography. Nice sky shots. - Margy