Monday 21 June 2021

Garden Birds


 This week I'll show some of the birds we have in the garden which we enjoy watching


The dovecote birdhouse at the bottom of the garden from our arbour we noticed a great tit flying to it


after feeding the young it pops out to fly off

There is a bird feeder half way up the garden we can see from the house on the ground feeder mealworms are placed and starlings demolish them the blackbird does not get a look in
The reason they bring the family along
The young ones always peck around the lawn thou we did notice an unusual one with while plumage in the tail feathers
The blackbird is always around looking for something to eat
And loves to have  bath when he sees it has been filled showering the plants while he is at it
 Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday and Imag-in-ing, you can find all the links in the right hand column Take care everyone


NCSue said...

Great shots! I love that birdhouse. I don't think we have any birds in our area that would nest in such a box, but it's sure pretty!
Thanks for sharing at

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Beautiful post. We have lots of birds feeding in our back yard as well and I never get tired of them.

Fun60 said...

That blue tit likes the upgraded accommodation then.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

You never know there might be

Billy Blue Eyes said...

We love watching them

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes a bit of a success that as it is the second year we have had them in there, I waiting to see if the use the new one I built as well

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We have a family of blackbirds at our feeders this week and they are cleaning out the feeder! They are big eaters! heehee! I love that pretty bird house and the special blue tit! Enjoy your week!

Bill said...

Lots of activity to watch and enjoy. It must be pleasant to be an observer in your garden. Have a wonderful week.

Julie said...

Like the bird houses.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

My fiend had a nest of them on his patio shelter by the house, must admit they keep an eye out for you working in the garden in case you uncover worms

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Oh it is when you see them all over the feeder

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you, we like lots of bird houses in our garden

Sharon said...

How great to be able to watch these guys from your windows. I love watching the birds.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes it is nice seeing them on the feeder

Linda said...

Such sweet birds!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

We have something like the blackbird, but they call it a grackle here.

I've never seen a tit.

I recently got a book called Birds of Britain and Europe. It's great to browse through it.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Oh yes especially the blue tits

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Well if you get back to Europe you should see them especially if you visit the UK