Monday 29 March 2021

Another Development


 There always seems to be more land disappearing from around the village like so many other villages greedy developers have their eyes on land they can built on. After finishing one development they long to get on with another on the pretence of housing for people to buy. The Councils are no better rubbing their hands with glee with the exception of development money and council taxes. The developers of East End Farm had already planed the next one before the one they were building had finished with planning going in. Panning was passed and the land south of the farm was next.

This photo of the field with poppies would be the last time you would see them flowering here in June 2020
 January 2021 and I looked across the field towards the Development that had been finished in 2020 at East end Farm from By Blackhalls Farm
A trailer was stood near the Farm
In the few months since the development was finished people had walking along the edge of the field starting an unofficial footpath
Come March I walked the same route and noticed a pile of safety fencing
The fencing had been laid out in a line awaiting erection
The path to the estate by now clearly defined 
I came back a few weeks later to see what had happened, the fencing was up
And to my surprise they left the path
At the other end of the field a sign telling you what would be their soon. I'll show you what in six months 
Construction had started
This view will change in the next few months and will be  housing
Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday and Imag-in-ing, you can find all the links in the right hand column Take care everyone.


carol l mckenna said...

Great landscape shots ~ sorry to hear the 'developers' are moving in ~ nothing is sacred ` all about greed ~ Have a good week ~ Xo

Living moment to moment,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Fun60 said...

I know we need more housing but does it have to impact on the countryside so much. If Covid has taught us anything it is how much we all need green space.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that the sign says Poppy Fields even though their work will take those field of poppies away. Meanwhile, the human population continues to grow. It did look lovely there.

Robin said...

Same happens here constantly, too. Today I live in the same rural district I grew up in, but it's all suburbs now in every direction. (My actual housing estate sits on top of the dairy farm that was next door to my childhood home.)

Interesting to see that English developers do that same thing where they smack something down on something beautiful and then name it after the thing they destroyed. ("Poppy Fields", in this case.) There's something really irritating about that.

Brilliant photo of the eponymous poppy field, though.

Rusty Ring: Reflections of an Old-Timey Hermit

NCSue said...

"Developments" need some time to "develop" - at first they're a blight for the eyes.
Thanks for sharing at

William Kendall said...

Developers only care about money. They don't give a damn about the consequences of their actions.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Shame it will all change over the coming weeks

Billy Blue Eyes said...

But it has not taught Government as much

Billy Blue Eyes said...

You know until you mentioned that I did not see why it was called that, maybe some one who worked at the company notced them

Billy Blue Eyes said...

You are so right Robin

Billy Blue Eyes said...

But the land will never bee the same

Billy Blue Eyes said...

No they do not care even though they say they do

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Long ago, a friend told me that developments always seem to take the name of something that had been removed, for example Farmhouse Community and in this case, Poppy Fields. It would have been nice, but unexpected, if the developers could have left some of those original fields intact. It was good that the walking path remained.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I do wonder if it will be adopted, be good if it was for the estate