Saturday 27 March 2021

Psalm Sunday


This week the Church Explorer visits St Laurence Eynsham, a church that is built beside where Eynsham Abbey used to be, visit the link to see the church. Tomorrow is Psalm Sunday where Jesus entered Jerusalem on the back of a Donkey and the people waved psalms at him. In church you are given a psalm cross to keep for a year. I was reminded of the day while out for a walk today and passing the retired school teachers house who has the cabinet with the teddy display. To one side is a smaller one with another display, this one had the Psalm Sunday scene I thought that this would be a more apt photo for today.

 Jesus rides on the donkey


Fun60 said...

I remember getting excited to receive a palm cross as a child.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

That was the one thing I looked forward to.

William Kendall said...

Fitting for the occasion.