Monday 7 December 2020

The Kite


Red Kites have become quite a common sight in the sky around where I live, normally  I just watch them soaring around near our house and loving their aerobatics. Often you hear one calling from a tree nearby. The other day I had my phone on hand and tried to get a photo of one with that 


 I took one of him in the tree which was not so good

I was quite pleased when I managed to get a shot of one flying over

Zooming in 10x's bright me a little closer

 I thought I'd get a closer look at the fellow so got my compact zoom

A nice looking bird

And I'm sure it was watching me while I took photo's a few moment later it was flying off from the tree and swooping over my way. it was huge but too fast for a shot with my compact. It was most likely a female from the size as they tend to be bigger than the males.

Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday and Imag-in-ing, you can find all the links in the right hand column Take care everyone


Photo Cache said...

What a handsome bird.

Worth a Thousand Words

Anonymous said...

Wow! Those are fantastic photos of a beautiful bird. Love these.

Robin said...

Those telephoto shots are amazing. You did that with your phone?

Rusty Ring: Reflections of an Old-Timey Hermit

Aimz said...

oh he's lovely, good shots

Gloria said...

That's a very nice looking bird. You got some good shots.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

We see a few here, but far more if I venture over the border into Hertfordshire. Amazing to think that I once travelled to Wales for the chance to see Red Kites.

NCSue said...

That's a marvelous bird! So regal!
Thanks for sharing at

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes very handsome

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Not bad considering what I used

Billy Blue Eyes said...

The close ones were done with a Canon SX740 zoom

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They never disappoint when I see them

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes I remember going to see them once, then saw them around the campsite we stayed at but around here we only used to see a few now they are really common.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes Very regal

William Kendall said...

Quite a formidable bird!

Fun60 said...

They are becoming a common sight but I still get a thrill when I see one.

betty-NZ said...

They are quite regal, aren't they! You got some awesome shots.

Your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week is an exciting addition! Thanks for joining us!