Thursday 10 December 2020

A New Day


 Last Saturday I let the dog out first thing and was privileged to see a dew day beginning with a star still glowing in the sky

 A couple of hours later I went down the village and noticed few pop up stores

I took a pano which shows the whole centre which at the time I though quite busy

Happy Skywatch


kwarkito said...

I like the pink color of the beginning day. its a nice serie of pictures

Anonymous said...

Beautiful morning sky photo. I'm wondering if that star might actually be Venus. We have been seeing Venus twinkling in our morning skies here at sunrise. That would be so cool if you see that there as well at sunrise.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

A gorgeous sky in the first photo. Looks like a very nice village where you live!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I loved the sky in all the photos

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It might be it was only there for moment then gone when I looked again

Billy Blue Eyes said...

The village can be nice but has been built up over the years

Bill said...

A beautiful start to your day. Nice village photos, it looks like a nice place to live.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It was if a little cold

Aimz said...

Nice to see your town, is that a clothing shop in the distance?