Thursday 5 March 2020

Sky over the quarry

 I have been meaning to get a photo of this for a while, a few months ago this was farmland where last year crops were growing, it is no being turned into a gravel extraction quarry. I stopped quickly on the way to pick my son up from work. I had wanted to get a photo of it with the sun setting behind but not sure how I will do that when it opens

 Looks quite alien to me
 This entrance road can bee seen being laid out in front of it

The fence here will soon begone and the gate to the quarry place here
Happy Skywatch


Powell River Books said...

We have several smaller gravel quarries in our town and out in the bush there are gravel pits where materials are extracted to make logging roads. - Margy

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

That is quite the unique structure. I hope you get your photo!!

Jim said...

Great sky shots.

Anonymous said...

That really is quite an alien-looking machine out there.

Aimz said...

The contraption almost looks like one of those things you see at the carnival that people sit in and it goes around and around.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

It does look alien-like. Nice photos!

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Lots of gravel extraction just north of here. You'd think by now that they'd have got it all but they keep finding new places to dig pits. They do leave a string of wildlife sites behind when they move on.

Ella said...

Nice photos!
They are really not extraterrestrials? LOL

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Excelente trabalho fotográfico.
Um abraço e bom fim-de-semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
O prazer dos livros

s.c said...

Looks strange indeed. So many ways to disturb the balance of nature.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I think it was certainly more lovely with the farmland and crops before the alien-like equipment was brought in.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Just as bad cutting timber bad enough the amount of houses they are building around here

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Not sure it will look how I want the sun sets over to the right more

Billy Blue Eyes said...


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Just like it came down and landed

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Never thought of that but you are right

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Just needs to start walking now

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Not sure what they will do with this, there is another company trying to dig on the otherside of the road near the Thames. Keeps geting thrown out

Billy Blue Eyes said...

No they are elivators the sand goes up

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Meus agradecimentos a você, tenha um bom fim de semana também

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Too many around here

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It was but it all started when they built the bypass back in 1993 behind where I was stood

Bill said...

It does look alien, I image more of this happening as time goes on. Much rather have the area growing crops. Nice documentation photos.

William Kendall said...

Yes it does feel quite alien.