Monday 16 March 2020


This week I'm doing something a little different and showing a village I drive though I on the way to Builth Wells. It shows a couple of places we drive past

Now if you do not mind click the link of Crickhowell it shows the flooding that happened there a  nearly a month before. The photos were taken from our car as we were driving home after setting up our caravan (not sure when we will get back to use it at the moment) take notice of the line along the buildings, If you do click the link you can just watch the first scenes you see, the feature the above photo.

If you looked at the video you will have seen the pink house , a closer shot of the buildings give a better idea of the flooding hight 

A crop of the first photo shows the line clearly , the hairdressers was wrecked not to mentioned the post that was in the post box. On the left you can see a car just coming into view the flooding would have been over the top of the car.
I these times of everyone worrying about a virus they might or might not catch these people have lost their houses and businesses. Out of view on the left of the photo is a pub called the bridge in it was totally wrecked. I found out while writing this that the paper who wrote on this revised a few days later and the whole committing rallied around to help those who were affected. Maybe those ho are panic buying at the moment should take note a flood could mess up all that loo paper they stockpiled.
Most of us are lucky and never affected by something like this happening  but we should remember those less lucky, there but for the grace of God we could.
Remember there is always someone worse off then you 
Taking Part in Our World Tuseday


Elkes Lebensglück said...

What a flood and the houses are broken now, I'm sorry!!!
Greetings Elke

Stevenson Q said...

Hello Billy! I love this quite little neighborhood shops that looks very peaceful and homey! Always drive safely okay!

Rosie said...

I am interested in the photos and the flood mark lines on the houses. I hope everyone was safe and have got everything back in order after the floods. The pink and blue colours are very pretty. Hope everyone stays safe as we learn to live with the restrictions placed on us.

Aimz said...

oh wow. I hope they have insurance to cover events like that happening, does it happen there very much?

Ella said...

The floods are always terrible ... no matter if the houses are small or big!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes but everyone rallied around to help

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It is and that is olny part of it

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I think they are sorting themselves out but will be a while before the are back and running

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They may hav ebut insurance companies will not insure at risk places though I have never seen that part of the village flooded before

Billy Blue Eyes said...

No you are right, I feel lucky I live where I do

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Crickhowell is a place I got to know well when I led walking groups on the Black Mountains and the Llangattock escarpment and ended the walks in the little town. It was upsetting to see the TV footage of the place underwater, though it's not an unusual occurrence up and down the valley.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Your right about that, there are usually floods the other side of the bridge but I have never known it that high. Builth Wells cropped it that weekend as well

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Oh my goodness, That was quite a flood. Hoping all are well! Thank you for sharing! Have a good week!

Anonymous said...

That was quite a bit of flooding there. It's so interesting to still see the line of high water on the buildings. It's good to remember what natural disasters look like and stay calm in these times.

Veronica Lee said...

I see the flood mark lines on the pretty houses. Floods are scary - I'm glad I live in a condo!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Worst I have seen but lucky I do not live around there. Keep safe

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I feel they have been dealt a double edge sword what with the floods and the virus to worry about

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They have their advantages I will say

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You have certainly put a perspective on this current crisis by showing these photos, Billy. There are so many who have had things much worse than the current self-isolating. Unfortunately, people complain about their current situations and lose sight of disasters that others have gone or are going through. I hope you and your family are also staying safe and well.

NCSue said...

Thanks for sharing at