Wednesday 9 January 2019

Stone in the tree


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

It makes me so happy when I find a painted rock. I've actually found some that were painted to encourage reading, which is my greatest joy, so I am especially happy when I find one like that.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I've found a few of those lately - I suspect that one of the local schools might be involved.

Anonymous said...

We have found some very nice little painted rocks out on our neighborhood walks. Makes me want to try painting a rock.

Beth F said...

Nice find!

William Kendall said...

You wonder who placed it there.

Linda W. said...

A nice find!

Susan Kane said...

Such a happy rock!

Handmade Jewelry Haven said...

I love painted rocks!

Thanks for sharing!

- Lisa

Linda said...

Painting rocks is a "thing" right now.

Aimz said...

Something lovely and festive - someone probably wanted to spread the cheer.