Monday 5 November 2018

Autumn Colours

While we were out looking for the fungi from last week I also noticed some of the trees in the Autumn colours we all love to see.

Along the path from the fungi I noticed this fir tree that had golden needles on it

Back near the campsite a tree was turning from green to gold

Brown and golden leaves lay on the ground

Red Berries were on some of the trees, the birds would have a fest 

 By the campsite road mushrooms still grew among the leaves
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday


Fun60 said...

Lovely autumn scenes.

William Kendall said...

I'm wondering if that fir tree might be a tamarack. The leaves look very much like needles, but aren't. They become a golden colour in late October and early November here. I photographed one yesterday.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Could be right though the branch was on the ground might have broken off the tree.

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

I was going to say the same thing. Also known as larch, as far as I can tell it's only native to North America, but no reason someone couldn't have planted it. But the photo isn't quite clear enough for me to tell if the needles are right. Of course, if the branch is broken, then it's just a nice dead bit of fir :)

Mary said...

That great mushroom looks like bird bath!!!! Are those edible Bill? I'm nervous about gathering fungi, don't know enough about weeding out the poisonous ones so can't take a chance!

The berries are beautiful - this is my favorite season of the year. Enjoy your lovely sunny days.
Mary -

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Some great pictures of autumn.

Anonymous said...

Lovely autumn photos.

Lady Fi said...

Great colours and my - what a big fungus!

Sharon said...
