Monday 1 October 2018

A Little Walk

A few weeks ago my wife & I went for a short walk around where we live so here are a few photos of what we saw

Cows munching on hay in one of the small meadows

Right there is a footpath here through the field

The bridge here is at the end of the path behind where I took the photo

The brook runs past the village further along

Above this is further along across the field near the brook you saw. You look towards Aston Upthorp

Left this is a place we call the Bullshole and a place as children that we all used to play. Over the years it has become well overgrown as no cattle come to drink here now.

A little further along you cross the brook  and if you walk through the wood you find this plaque

Over the 18 years since it was planted the wood has grown and hides the old railway embankment you could see

When I was a child this was grazing land where cattle used to be the filed was given to the village to mark the Queens Jubilee and is called Jubilee field. Millennium wood is at the end and was planted for future generations.
Hope you enjoyed the walk


Fun60 said...

A lovely walk and interesting to hear about your childhood memories.

William Kendall said...

Quite a pleasant walk!

Photo Cache said...

How energizing to see wide open spaces.

Worth a Thousand Words

Unknown said...

Good morning Bill. Looked up your village. As I'd never heard of it.
I too enjoy walking with my camera. Each Monday we visit and hear about the history of all our green spaces in Bournemouth.
But most interesting is seeing and listening identifying and photographing the birds through the seasons.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Great to have a place near home where you can wander, especially so if it brings back memories of childhood.

Anonymous said...

Quite a lovely walk, and very cool that you walked there as a child.

Sharon said...

I enjoyed that walk very much! Thank you.