Wednesday 31 October 2018

It's Halloween

It's Halloween and though I'm not keen on all that goes on with it in the UK. It is on of those things that seems to have come over from the other side of the pond that companies can jump on the band waggon and make money from. Saying that I do appreciate the work some people put into their costumes and decorations. Walking along the road today someone had really pushed out the boat

 The had decorated their front garden
 Carved pumpkins
 Skeleton coming out of the ground
 Zombies & giant spiders
 Ghosts floating around
 The odd Witch
or two. Yep that should please the local kids tonight


Fun60 said...

Each year it gets bigger. Haven't seen any local houses or gardens decorated like the one in your post.

William Kendall said...

The skeleton coming out of the ground is my favourite of these.

Cloudia said...

And things that go bump in the noght!

Robin said...

It's worth pointing out that Hallowe'en is actually from the UK. You lot just stopped doing it. (The pumpkins are ours, though; you used turnips back in the day.) In between times you seem to have transferred your Hallowe'en-type observances to Guy Fawkes.

Either way it's fun. Thanks for the photos!

Rusty Ring: Reflections of an Old-Timey Hermit

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Can't say it was something I celibrated as a kid though I did trick or threat a few times, I think what I don't like is how it has become so commercialised like Christmas in recent years

Anonymous said...

Love seeing the decorations there. People are so creative and funny.

Lois said...

How fun! I especially like the witch in the last photo.