Wednesday 29 May 2013

Boats on the River

Took these photos the other day when it was sunny. I went off to get some photos of the river Thames by where I live but took them from the opposite bank.

 This is looking across the Thames towards Cholsey.

And this was one of the boats heading upstream. Have a great day.


Fun60 said...

Looks like a lovely place to live. Some good walking areas there.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes the Thames path for one and there are about a dozen different walks round the village.

Dana said...

Lovely—and what a pretty sky!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Got to admit I did get the sunny day we had so the sky was great.

Anonymous said...

Boats on a river are so cool! We have a nice river I like to visit. It's always fun to watch the boats floating on it.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Not so cool when it floods round here, the water goes right up that road you see in the first photo.